Savita Savita

Hii there!! I'm an enthusiastic fresher from st.joseph's college for women (A). Keen to protect our environment, an active member of waste management club

Student at St.joseph's college for women (A), Vishakhapatnam

Studied at Kendriya Vidyalaya Karwar

Skilled in love to play basket ball, basket ball

Certified in Certificate of excellence for 2017, 2018 from waste management club.

how to form a study team in college

                 HOW TO FORM YOUR OWN COLLEGE STUDY TEAM?? College life is all about fun and frolly . Making new friends and enjoy   bunking, doing parties, travelling etc, with all these stuff we forget about the thing for which we enroll ourselves in college, that is Studies. After completing the higher education and coming to the graduation level, where we no more the adolescents, we are the youth. We have  to think about our future and concentrate on our career. To get make our mind fully goal oriented we need to analyze, plan and execute to effectively use our time and energy to reach the summit. Study Team is a group which consists of members with same interest and the same accomplishments. They meet and greet to study, share ideas under one umbrella. It’s all about coordination, teamwork and patience. Forming a study team is not an easy task and that to in college life, where most people have different norms and strategies for their future. Before forming a study team following things should be kept in mind: Finding the team As we know birds of same feather flock together, same applies with team, we need to get the students with same interests and those who are serious, meticulous and ambitious towards their career and can sit in the same roof to discuss, teach and learn. This doesn’t mean we only need the studious ones, but the one who is really keen to study and share her knowledge to others and in the same way imbibes knowledge which she gets from any resource. For this you need to talk to the others, ask their interests and goals. We often think that with our best friends at our hand we do not concentrate on studies, but it depends on the person, many are comfortable with their friends to share and ask anything, whether it is a beauty hacks or the questions related to the competence. So at the end choose the team wisely and according to your comfort. Size of the team “To many cooks spoils to broth” is what happens when we just pick up the people and make the team without considering the dimensions of the team. Team size is not mere a number, instead it decides the coordination of the team. So choice what is required and how much is required because at the end it is quality that matters and not the quantity. Space to interact When you have your desired team with correct count, now it’s time to decide the place where the planning and execution will take place. Mostly quiet, calm and peaceful place is the best to place to study. It can be  a library, park or a place where all the team members can easily reach. Study plan for every Meeting Decide what you are going to discuss in the class, prepare the topics in the form of seminars and presentation. Include all the necessary bits starting from definition to the outcomes and the conclusions .Mostly the preparation depends on the topic. When you think the topic can be easily summarized with the outline, then don’t waste time in going the depth. Prepare the topic in such a way that all the team mates can understand, it should be neither too complicated nor too simple. Question –Answer Session Interrogation is a way to understand thing better. So once done with the discussion of the topics it is very important to ask doubts and question related to the topic on the very first day of the discussion. If enable to answer Google the questions or ask your mentors. Remember not to keep any doubt unclear, because clarity is essence of understanding.  Discuss the Previous year’s question papers,    understand the model and the questions most frequently asked. This will help you to score more. Quizzing and testing Keeping short quizzes and test so that everyone can put on their thinking caps .Have mock tests to test yourself as it is very important to know where we are standing and where we have to reach. To fill the gap you need to know the dimensions of the gaps which are obstructing to reach the destination. A well planned strategy with lot of hard work, smart work, perseverance and determination never fails. So plan your every second in most fruitful manner, as study plan and the team will only succeed when all have the desire as the fuel and the hard work as the engine to mechanically run your life on right track with right speed and direction.